Since I permanently shifted this tiny corner of the internets to rage on the idiots that play (or design) WoW in general and the hunter class in specific, a few preliminaries are in order.
Just for the readers to see who they're dealing with.
First and foremost, I do
NOT deal with basics. If you don't know how to trap, FD or misdirect, GTFO to
BRK. He'll be glad to teach you stuff you should've learned in SM cath.
Secondly, you are expected to have complete up-to-date knowledge of the class, having at least a vague idea of what you're going to do the next time Ghostcrawler smokes too much weed and decides to overhaul the hunter class.
Finally, you are expected to fully master the tools used to maximize your DPS.
Now that we've gone through this...
GftT calculations are extremely complex.Think about it for a second.
Now some more.
Now some more.
Got it?
No? Not too bad. At least you have the slightest idea what GftT depends on. After some thought on the subject, if I had to define the GftT function, it'd be something like:
GftT: (PetFamilySpecial, PetFamilySpecialCooldown, NaturalFocusRegen, SerpentSting, Crit%, ShotRotation, Procs, RNG, Spec) -> Damage
That's right, 9 variables. The SpS part of the function is whether or not you used one GCD for the SpS in the discretization period alotted for the calculation.
I chose to discretize around the pet special CD for my calculations. Raptors will discretize over a minute, cats over 10 seconds. Of course it depends on longevity as well.
Procs might contain, for example, Greatness, TBW and Rapid Fire.
Obviously this has two points:
- Figure out the minimal amount of crit% to prevent focus starvation.
- Figure out the maximal amount of crit% to prevent focus saturation. (with 2/2 GftT)
As anyone with IQ > room temperature figures out, gimping crit is retarded. So point 2 is reduced to "Maximize the amount of crit% to drop one point in GftT".
I've yet to encounter tangible focus saturation but as my crit goes up (insert survival spec in 3.0.8) I imagine around 35% unbuffed is enough to drop one point in GftT (because 50-focus dumps are extinct). The other elitist jerks will probably have it calculated.
We'll see. As far as I'm concerned, I already have my 3.0.8 spec planned out to maximize DPS.