Ever have that feeling when a dipshit is about to make an absolutely retarded fuckup, you know he's going to make that fuckup and you just wait for him to fuck up?
That's the feeling I had before reading the Q&A.
- We solved a lot of perennial hunter problems in Wrath of the Lich King, from the shot clipping problems of Steady Shot, to bringing Survival back to life, and making pet choice and training a lot more meaningful and hopefully enjoyable.
Clipping: It took you an entire year from Lactose's analytic post to implement an easy system any dipshit would've done in a few days. To fix a problem plaguing the class since patch 0.9.1. Your developing skills are amazing.
SV: I was a EW-bitch for my T6-farming guild. To say SV was dead was a gross misunderstanding of the problem (the problem was BM being superior, not SV being shit). SV was still shit (hello 41-point Readiness) but being a mousewheeling dribbler for the major part of TBC was NOT fun. Still it did more DPS and Brutallus says "My enrage timer brings all the DPS to the yard".
Pets: Oh what the fucking fuck. Okay, you made pets auto-jump to HunterLevel-5. I'm this [---------------] impressed, not to scale. Not mentioning that the other two pet classes have instant DipshitLevel pets with little to no regard of their survival. An unholy DK can get his ghoul back up infinitely faster than it takes me to revive a dead pet (hello 10/4 wasted seconds). But enjoyable? Meaningful? Pet training? What the fuck did you idiots smoke.
Oh and doing 4-5 heroics I shouldn't have to do just to get my whatever-shaped fragile skeleton to level 80 so it can get Wild Hunt is retarded.
Pet choice? Hahaha lolfuckingwut. Apparently no one at Blizzard learned enough mathematics to get that we pick the highest DPS pet anyway so there's no fucking point in homogenizing pet modifiers (idiotic idea). Yes, I'll definitely sacrifice a FotFF buff with 50% uptime for a omgcutekitty which my e-crush thinks is omgcute. I mean seriously now, if you don't pick the highest DPS pet, GTFO of the game.
- Going forward we have several objectives we still want to accomplish. We want to make sure hunters in PvP are as good in Arenas as they are in Battlegrounds. We think their damage is sufficient, so we want to focus on their survival and crowd control. We want to make sure their PvE utility is as good as their dps (especially making traps live up to their potential for crowd control). We want to resolve what a hunter is supposed to do in melee (Raptor Strike? Disengage?).
Too PvP-centric to care. Except the trap part. YOU FUCKING DIPSHITS ARE TAKING AWAY THE SINGLE ASPECT OF THE CLASS THAT MADE PEOPLE LIKE ME STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD OF MOUTHBREATHING KEYBOARD DROOLERS and that is the ability to CC more than one mob at once. What the fuck now. WotLK instances are the most idiotic fest of facerolling bullshit since release (I think RFC with level 12s is harder than wotlk heroics) but I refuse to have my skill benchmark taken away.
Oh and hunter DPS isn't good. It's mediocre. Now I'm probably the last person to measure mediocrity on, but seeing dipshit rogues literally faceroll most Ulduar bosses when I'm struggling
to keep up my high spot on Recount was very frustrating.
In melee, a hunter is supposed to either knockback the dipshit to range or GTFO out of range. Personal suggestion: Give knockback effects to Chimera, ExS and the new BM signature shot you WILL make eventually. (non-effective on bosses of course) Lower the cooldown on Disengage in pve.
- We want to clean up some of the clunkiness that still exists around pet control (both the UI itself and what the pet does on the battlefield). We think hunters have a good niche as the only real ranged damage-dealer that focuses on (mostly) physical damage based on a weapon rather than cast-time based spells. We just want to make sure they live up to that niche.
And you DO agree that the pet move-to-boss'-ass logic is sometimes retarded. And you still didn't fix the autocast bug or make a larger pet bar (hint: make it 10 spaces and keep the special commands like Follow on a separate bar)
And because you dipshits think we're in that niche (ZOMG SCALING BASED ON WEAPON LOL) you want to keep us there. That's like saying "you guys are in a deep pile of shit so we'll just bulldoze some more shit over here to make you feel more comfortable". Newsflash: It's still shit. How about admitting we're just physical casters who got the worst of both worlds? (Didn't stop me from topping damage though, WTS the ability to play with 2 hands on the keyboard)
- From a technical standpoint, what happened is that the quiver is considered a bag just like other bags on the character but also, most critically, those in the bank. In order to remove ammo we would have to move the location of all of a character’s bank slots on the database that stores all of the World of Warcraft characters, which would be a risky thing to do in the middle of an expansion, and could result in “missing stuff” issues if something went wrong. It was just one of those last-minute show-stoppers.
- We still want to make ammo more of a gear choice than a consumable. We’re not sure if this would be as simple as getting the 125 dps arrows to upgrade your 120 dps arrows, or if you would do things like swap between your fire and poison arrows??? but that kind of thing is definitely on the table.
- I’m not sure when we can do it right. It’s not going to be for 3.2 unfortunately.
More later.