Friday, May 22, 2009

Ulduar prediction recap

Before the patch hit, I posted my list of predictions how long Ulduar lasts. It's now reset 5 of Ulduar.

Let's review it:

Point 1: Ensidia & co. kill Yogg-Saron on first reset - check. My guild kills him on second reset - check.
Point 2: Easy hardmodes (like Thorim, Hodir, Freya, FL) go down even on first reset - outplayed. Heroic Orbituary on day 1 was particuarly amusing and Inner Sanctum getting 3/4 hardmodes (but not IC - LOLOLOL) was even more amusing.

Sidenote: I expected they'd make the hardmodes hard instead of retardedly buffing them to the point of mathematical impossibility. FL getting buffed by 100% to 355M HP was stupid. Still doable.

Point 3: Access to Algalon unlocked by Ensidia - check. I expected more guilds succeed at that though. Looks like Blizzard finally did it right - the scrubs won't get Mimiron hardmode EVER and the good guilds will spend a few resets on it. Ensidia unlocked it on May 1st, on reset 3 of Ulduar.

Point 4: Algalon does NOT go down on 25, went down on 10man by Ensidiots. Partially outplayed, I had no idea they'd impose a 1 hour timer on him. Stupid idea is stupid but it's an obvious Ensidia cockblock to stop them from chainpulling until they get it right. 10-man guilds get Champion of Ulduar somewhere. No guild gets Conqueror yet - too busy focusing on hardmodes to get their protodrakes.

Point 5: Partially outplayed. My guild got GotUR last reset and Ensidia got HGotUR this reset. I expected it to last more.

So I was correct enough in my predictions. Only Algalon25 remains for to kill and judging by my informants he goes down next reset at most.

Verdict: Hard modes are hard. Could be harder and I don't mean retarded outgoing raid damage. Yes I've seen them all to judge. Except for Mimiron, that one's tuned perfectly.

Personal preference: Get GC the fuck away from designing the game, everyone knows biologists hate math and people like this shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the underlying mathematics of the game. They'll just fuck it up in one way or another.

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