Isn't it amusing how the PTRs have been up for less than a day and already we get Faggotcrawler telling us we'll be incomplete (again) for patch 3.1?
I'll be using the ASCIIs much more now.
Reason 1:
1) Trap Launcher is a very cool idea and something we would love to do. However, it requires a lot of tech and may end up beyond the scope of what we can do for patch 3.1. We don't want to give hunters a buggy, half-baked ability. If you are going on the PTR to test Ulduar or just mess around with numbers, I wouldn't worry about this ability, at least for now.
So we're getting a buggy half-baked dot mechanic which once again requires us to pre-trap the boss and/or risk DPS. If Immolation trap isn't intended to dot the boss, why bother having TnT refresh it yet having no way to put it there unless we... trap dance but once? Which is exactly the mechanic you're trying to kill.
Also all the code is there. It goes like this:
- /cast Trap Launcher. You get a buff saying next trap flies immediately to the target. (Some people call it PoM, I heard it's the same basic functionality except that pom doesn't make instant tables)
- TL's cooldown is applied.
- You cast the trap.
- The trap's effect is applied to the mob.
- The 30s cooldown is triggered.
Vertict: Facepalm.
Reason 2:
2) Black Arrow is on the trap cooldown timer, and we assume largely for PvE. Black Arrow is your ability to proc things normally caused by traps (like LnL) in PvE situations when using a trap is a pain or the target is immune.
If that's what GC and the potsmokers intend, at least... I don't know... Make the dot last 30 seconds as well? Or make Black Arrow a 15 second CD because managing the cooldowns while doing the usual craptastic SV priority queue you dare call shot rotation is fun. Or not annoying.
Vertict: Middle finger.
Reason 3:
3) Think of Lock and Load triggering from traps (esp. Frost Trap) as a PvP mechanic. Think of Lock and Load triggering from periodic ticks (esp. Black Arrow) as a PvE mechanic. In PvE, you may want to use traps on trash or group pulls however. In PvP, nothing is stopping you from using Black Arrow if it works for you.
What's the point in using traps when all trash is aoe'd down? Unless Ulduar trash consists of that pack before Naj'entus with numerous lava packs and BWL-esque trash packs in the way with lots of HP and outgoing raid damage high enough to necessitate CC, I don't see why should I bother laying a trap when I can do DPS instead. Oh wait, my AoE got nerfed by 30% for no apparent reason.
Verdict: Facepalm
Reason 4:
You won't be trapping raid bosses to get LnL procs, even if they are immune to the effects. You probably won't be trap dancing much at all in PvE. You should really use Black Arrow for that purpose.
If the proc rate ends up being too low, that is certainly something we are willing to adjust.
Trap dancing was an overlooked class submechanic anyway thanks to whoever smoked too much pot and forgot that bosses can trigger explosive/immo/frost traps to force LnL procs.
You need 2 PPM for LnL to be in its current state. Let's count. BA lasts 15 seconds so it's logical to assume it ticks each 3rd second. LnL will have a 10% rate to proc from BA. BA's uptime is 0.5 per minute = 10 ticks. Overall = 1 PPM.
So the other PPM has to come from the trap dot. This means that we have to keep it up and assuming trap launcher is not implemented, we're dicked of one PPM on bosses we can't pre-trap and/or lose good 5-10 seconds of DPS just to lay the immo trap, depending on the encounter. It'll get even better if bosses have a stupid mechanic which neutralizes my ability to DPS them for >15s in a row. Man.. What the fuck have these morons been smoking?
Conclusion: The internal cooldown on LnL has to go or force it to work on a 2 PPM rule. Personal suggestion: Partially remove the idiotic RNG bullshit by having every 2nd LnL proc proc 30seconds after its former proc. That's good 20 GCDs to use on useful stuff and we won't risk stupid shit like steady shot casting in the middle of a LnL proc.
I don't mind it proccing all the time but some inferior facerollers might whine how they can't faceroll their way to #1 on damage (see: bugged HAT rogues).
Verdict: Middle finger facepalm and an urge to place certain Blizzard employees in a fire.
P.S: The hunting party agility bonus stacks multiplicatively with Lightning Reflexes.
And a personal message to GC: You're not fooling anyone. Do not try to insult our intelligence. It seems you know even less about hunter mechanics than my idiot guild hunters do.
pretty much how i feel about all of it.
except that it really seems like blizz is modifying talents not to balance classes, but rather to force players into playing a spec and utilizaing talents how blizz believes they should be.
Except that blizzard has very little understanding of the class which is apparent from the BM nerf and un-nerf pendulum swing.
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