It's hard for me to say...
I got outdamaged on patchwerk.
There, I've said it.
11 weeks of elysian peace and me tearing away at recount figures have ended abruptly when a freakin' WARLOCK managed to outdamage me.
I think his 50k HP doomguard had something to do with it.
Either way I was dethroned as the DPS king. From 6k as 50/21/scorpid the idiotic nerf hit me to 5.6k.
Either I'm doing something wrong (which is HIGHLY improbable), or my GCD management was idiotic (also improbable, took me 30 minutes to get used to SV) or his doomguard somehow made him OP.
Hey, the only thing I know about warlocks is that if there isn't CoR/CoE on the boss, they're not doing it enough. Besides, their index on Recount is always measured in double digits.
Anyway, he beat me by 50k damage.
It's like one all-crit LnL proc.
Which is uber gay.
So I have three questions:
1) Where's my freakin' Journey's End?
2) Where's my freakin' Surge Needle Ring?
3) Where's my freakin' Drape of the Deadly Foe?
(The mouthbreathing 4k dps wonders have them. I still beat them every patchwerk)
Did I mention there is no justice anymore?
P.S: You wanted numbers, you got them:
I broke 6k on the last reset before 3.0.8 too. No screenshot though.
Nobody is ever going to read this blog because you are a douchebag
Yet you bothered to comment.
So... I'm going to do you the benefit of the doubt.
I want to see armory and numbers. Go.
You claim to be rockingly good, show me.
me -> Warrior tank.
Can you do the same?
Dude you are the biggest ass ever and I really doubt you haven't been outdamaged before. Your ego and big mouth are probably not letting you read the numbers right. DOUCHEBAG.
Oggy: L2read idiot. I said "On patchwerk".
As for Sebastian, numbers will be here soon™. As for armory, explain how a list of my gear (especially AFTER I said I only lack 3 items to have the best gear in the game) is an indicator of skill.
why? because you can SAY you have all sorts of gear...but so can i. you can SAY you do this much dps or that...but so can i.
post your wws
post your recount
post your armory
it really shouldnt be a big deal, unless youre scared that we might come harass you on your backwater server
but hey, anonymous internet user is anonymous
We don't use WWS.
Recount is posted.
Only after you explain how a list of my gear is relevant to my skill. I see idiots with Journey's End/Envoy who die in void zones every sartharion.
its a shame you dont use wws...recount is often innacurate. besides, screenshots of recount show the sum...wws shows all of the parts. gives more of a complete story.
its relevant because it proves what you are saying is true. we can see your spec, we can see your gear and itemization choices. it validates your claim as an EJ. shows you are who you really say you are.
here, ill go first:
shootrmcgavn, drenden server
a wws of my most recent patch kill:
*if you look at the debuffs and gains tab of my pet, youll notice i had neglected to turn rabid back on from the previous nights testing. you can compare my gear, itemization, and spec with my dps output.
who knows, maybe someone could even learn something from you?
Very well.
Other than rabid not being on autocast, I see an inordinate amount of pet misses. Coupled with your 168 hit rating, the DPS loss is apparent.
This is one reason I advocate hitcapping without FA. Hitcapping can easily be achieved with some naxx25 gear. Gothik pants, werkwerk gloves, etc. T7, especially gloves and pants suck because they spend too much item budget points on bad stats such as ArP.
Moving on to the 40 haste scope. I don't see why haste when crit > haste point-for-point.
Other than lacking Massacre on your polearm, the scope and some AP gems I don't see anything that would make my eyes bleed.
Make those changes, get Envoy and you'll easily do 5.2k. This is my personal estimate.
Out of curiosity I also loaded your data in the spreadsheet. This is the number I got: Total DPS 5736.17
i dont have massacre because i dont want to waste the mats on a lesser item. when i get journeys end, then ill get it.
the ap gems are left over from when i was bm. no excuse not to change them out other than frugality. id been saving up to get the greatness card, and now am getting my gold back up again.
as for the gloves from patch, the pants from gothik...i completely agree, and they are on my gear list. unfortunately i was greatly outbid on the pants last time they dropped, and i have yet to see the gloves from patch. i hate having points in FA.
the haste scope...well, i guess i always understood it that an SV hunter needed to have a certain amount of haste in order to get steady down to 1.5s. is that not really true anymore, since steady is balls awful?
i wonder it is im doing wrong that is keeping me from breaking 5k. any ideas?
Having enough haste to cap steady shots is important but there are better sources of haste than the scope.
It should never be more prioritized than crit and the reason has been mentioned already.
right...and those other sources all depend on drops actually...dropping, no?
Pretty much. But we had 5 envoys and 1 journey's end drop since wotlk.
yeah...cant wear gear that i havent yet won or even seen drop. besides, our guild only had our first entry into 25naxx last weekend.
So... While I see some numbers they are aggregate not itemised.
5k dps is enough to prove that you have read the fora and know how to run a shot rotation. Congratulations, you're now just an arsehat, not a moronic arsehat.
I still don't see WWS or armory details. Please provide.
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