Thursday, January 22, 2009

LnL and trap dancing

Trap dancing = 2 guaranteed procs in a minute = 2 PPM
Sting = 20 ticks/minute * 10% to proc = 2 PPM

So statistically you'll get the same amount of LnL procs for a large enough sample size.

However both sides have caveats.

Trap dancing means you're losing SOME autoshot DPS (which as we all know is higher than steady shot DPS).
Not trap dancing means you lose an element of control over your LnL procs and the probability to fuck up on GCD management grows.

E.G: You cast aimed shot, GCD goes off, LnL procs while ExS is on GCD. Hello wasted GCD on an inferior shot.

Now, where's a goddamn 25-man Patchwerk so I can see how hard I top (or not) the DPS meters?

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