Thursday, February 12, 2009

Why do I have a feeling

That blizzard WILL fuck up with the partial ammo removal?

My bet is either they "forget" to give us the extra 15% haste.

OR fuck up with the stacking.

OR, in a futile attempt to roll the ammo change live in an obviously incomplete state, just shave 15% off every bow's attack speed.

Or... and this is my favorite, they forget that thori'dal didn't use ammo to begin with and make it the best weapon in the game until they hotfix it.

Speaking of which, why don't I have one? I obviously deserve it, I don't die in void zones, fuck up Undying/Immortal, behave like a mouthbreathing idiot in raids etc.

So why the RNG decides to fuck me over every single fucking week when I do sunwell?

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